- SVYASA Houston Center & Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA) a Yoga University, Bangalore has undertaken an ambitious program “Yoga for Weight Management” to bring down the growth of Obesity in USA.
- “Yoga for Weight Management”is a community effort to prevent USA from leading health problem – Obesity using the Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT).
- “Yoga for Weight Management”envisages identifying, motivating, training and organizing – Obese people, Volunteers (organizers), Yoga Therapists, Doctors and Researcher.
Why through Yoga?
- The Pancha Kosha to fathom the total human system and the concept of Adhi and Vyadhi to understand the root cause of Obesity give a strong scientific basis for the Holistic approach in health care delivery systems to be developed.
- You cannot give same medicine to all ailments.
- SVYASA through its 30 years of continuous research has found that YOGA is the cost effective and sure way to manage / control OBESITY.
- Specific Integrated Yoga Therapy modules for each ailment have been developed and are being continuously updated.
- SVYASA in its Arogyadhama (300 bedded residential holistic center) through residential treatments has treated nearly 400k patients of Non-Communicable Diseases.
- It is so rewarding to see the tremendous benefits obtained by the patients of Obesity in such a short time by adopting integrated modules of Yoga for Obesity treatment.
- Research has shown yoga based life style change is better than exercise based life style change.
- Yoga based lifestyle modification helps in prevention of Obesity and Diabetes.